We are pleased to announce that our Starboard dessert wine is now available at the Flying Otter Winery. Maybe we aren't supposed to have favorites, but I have to admit this wine has a special place in our hearts. It's only right that it should make it's appearance for Valentine's Day.
Starboard is a dessert wine made in the style of traditional dessert wines of Portugal, which are called Port. For many years wines in this style made around the world were often called port, but in 2006 the US signed a trade agreement with the European Community on Trade in Wine which disallows the use of the term Port for new wines (wines before 2006 are grandfathered in) made by anyone outside of Portugal.
For this reason we were forced to turn in a different direction for naming our new dessert wine, and we chose to turn Starboard.
Made with our our home grown Frontenac grapes (which we are not allowed to list as "estate grown" on our labels because we are not in an officially designated AVA [American Viticultural Area]), and fortified with grape spirits, this lush, rich, dessert wine is great now and will get even better with age if you'd like to add it to your cellar for future special occasions.
Come on out for our Valentine's Day open hours:
Feb 4 & 5, Feb 11 & 12 Noon till 6 PM